About PPC
LEADERSHIP PARTY from 2024 to 2031
As provided for by its Statutes, the Party for Progress and Concord (PPC) has four (4) organs at the national level. Among these organs, the Executive Committee was elected on October 10th, 2004 (...)
Amavu n’Amavuko y’Ishyaka PPC
Amavu n’amavuko by’”Ishyaka ry’Iterambere n’ubusabane / "PPC "
Ishyaka ry’Iterambere n’Ubusabane(PPC, mu magambo ahinnye y’igifaransa) ni Ishyaka ryavutse (...)
On belhaf of the PPC followers, I have honour and privelege to wish a warm welcome to all users who will benefit from reliable information regularly posted on this website. This gateway provides (...)
Soiyez Bienvenue
On belhaf of the PPC followers, I have honour and privelege to wish a warm welcome to all users who will benefit from reliable information regularly posted on this website. This gateway provides (...)
The Party for Progress and Concord (PPC) was created on June 22nd, 2003 at the end of what was called ‘Constituent Assembly’, which had brought together pioneer members at Castel Hotel. It (...)
Historique de PPC
The Party for Progress and Concord (PPC) was created on June 22nd, 2003 at the end of what was called ‘Constituent Assembly’, which had brought together pioneer members at Castel Hotel. It (...)
Welcome note
On belhaf of the PPC followers, I have honour and privelege to wish a warm welcome to all users who will benefit from reliable information regularly posted on this website. This gateway provides (...)
Mission and platforms of PPC
The Motto of the Party for Progress and Concord (PPC) is:
Rwandans’ welfare.
The Party for Progress and Concord (PPC) puts to the fore human value and the willingness (...)
History of PPC
The Party for Progress and Concord (PPC) was created on June 22nd, 2003 at the end of what was called ‘Constituent Assembly’, which had brought together pioneer members at Castel Hotel. It (...)